Sad, but true
Sad, but true
In response to Mrs. Huckaby’s letter in the Jan. 4 West Hawaii Today, yes, it is true.
Once again a group of what we normal people call, tree hugging, save the planet millionaires thought something that has been a tradition here in Kona for decades, and here long before they were, was a trashy looking eyesore, and should be cleaned up.
So this band of aforementioned, “We know what’s best for the island” morons, decided to remove all the coral “graffiti,” one piece at a time, including all of the memorials to those loved ones who have passed. Something that someone such as Mrs. Huckaby, as well as thousands of other visitors, looked forward to seeing when landing in Kona.
Graffiti, which was not littering the highway and was not damaging any property, as they would want you believe. But once again, a group of tree hugging people who have nothing better to do than to disrupt one of the many traditions here in Kona are probably sitting around a table drinking coffee thinking of the next tradition they can attack and ruin for everyone.
Not to mention that I guarantee that not one of these graffiti removal specialists even batted an eye at the TMT protest that took place several weeks ago. Why? Because they don’t drive by it everyday, so why bother?
Richard Saunders
Captain Cook
President’s gun proposal pure folly
So, President Obama wants to curb gun violence. Perhaps he would like a few suggestions on how to commence.
Perhaps he could start with fulfilling his election promises, such as closing Guantanamo, oh, and how about rescinding the Patriot Act. Remember that?
How about throwing a lot of banker types in jail for a long time? Perhaps he could remove some U.S. attorneys who failed miserably in their duty to the citizens of this country. Perhaps he could consider putting people back to work instead of another trade pact leading to lower and yet lower wages.
The bitter facts are that there is misery and poverty in this nation. The accelerated accumulation of wealth by the 1 percent is destroying our nation. And little is done but more mouth works. The lies of our “leaders” may persuade some but to the marginally knowledgeable, they ring out with insincerity. The hopes that our children living, at the very least, the same life we have had has disappeared. And with it has gone a large portion of our belief in our leaders and our future.
Throw all that in with the lack of mental health care in this country, the determination to wage war with the entire world, the 1,100 plus citizens shot down by our police protectors annually and you have a country driven to despair.
This nation is presently waging an illegal war in Syria, without benefit of a UN resolution, without benefit of being asked by the sovereign state of Syria, without even the benefit of an approval from a supine Congress. We are killing, again, people … human beings in a war of aggression. Using the same guns that Mr. Obama wishes to take from us.
Now, Mr. Obama wishes to curtail gun violence. My advice to him is to tell it to the citizens of Syria. Ask yourself how that suggestion would be received.
Cry for all of that, Mr. President.
Harvey W. McDaniel